It’s my birthday today. Well… how old do I look? Thanks, you’re too kind.
Few better ways to spend it than by kicking off rehearsals for The United Nations, with Arya Kashyap and Matthew Sanders. I almost always re-work a script with my cast, but this time I’m starting both more from scratch, and less from scratch, than usual.
3 years ago, we had a table read of a 4-hour miniseries about the UN, where these characters and general situations were born. But now we’re taking it to the stage, which is a different format altogether. It might sound dry, but this is what Thirdwing is for: telling a story in the right way for the right format.
A TV series is an immersive, spider-webby kind of experience that takes you to lots of places, or, if its a sitcom, lets you “check in on the gang” over and over.
But a stage play has to be something else, and I’m still figuring out the best way to distill the work we’ve already done into something that works for live theater.
I feel like the best plays I’ve seen deliver a gut punch, comedy or drama, that leave you with something in your stomach. So that’s what I’m aiming to do. Wish me luck.